
Each year the monastery hosts its Patronal Feast Day Celebrations and Pilgrimage 

August 5th and 6th 

for the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pilgrimage 2024

Patronal Feast Day at Transfiguration Monastery, Ellwood City, PA

Mother Abbess Christophora and the monastic community of the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA, were delighted to welcome His Grace, the Right Rev. Bishop Irinej, Bishop of Washington-New York and Eastern America, of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as guest hierarch for their 2024 Patronal Feast Day. His Grace presided at the evening service on August 5, and anointed the nearly 100 pilgrims who were present for the three hour vigil, celebrated by V. Rev. Father Alexander Rentel, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, and other visiting clergy. 

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was held in the spacious outdoor pavilion church on the morning of August 6, the Feast of Transfiguration. Concelebrating with Bishop Irinej was His Eminence Archbishop Melchisedek of the OCA Diocese of Pittsburgh and Western PA. Two dozen priests, five deacons and numerous altar servers joyously came together for the festive Divine Liturgy, which was attended by several hundred pilgrims. Responses were offered by the sisterhood choir, under the direction of Mother Seraphima, and guest singers. 

His Grace offered a most moving and enlightening homily as he explained how all of the feasts of Christ are either realized or anticipated, and hence celebrated, in the magnificent feast of our Lord’s Transfiguration. Not only teaching by his words, examples from the saints, and theological explanations, the sisterhood and pilgrims were equally inspired by the energetic love and joy for our Lord that His Grace brought to the service, the sermon, and the festive gathering. At the conclusion of the Liturgy His Grace acknowledged the memory of Mother Abbess Alexandra, foundress of the monastery, the former Princess Ileana of Romania, who was a sister of Queen Maria of Yugoslavia. 

Following a catered luncheon, a memorial service was held in the monastery cemetery. The Mystery of Holy Unction was then celebrated in the main church. Although threatening weather conditions were forecast at that time, thankfully none materialized on the monastery grounds. Pilgrims were anointed with the Holy Unction oil as the hymns of the Paraklisis service were sung.

The monastic sisterhood offers thanksgiving for the presence and prayers of Bishop Irinej, Archbishop Melchisedek, and the many guest priests and deacons, as well as Sister Anastasia, of New Marcha Monastery, in Richfield, OH, and Mother Capetolina of Protecting Veil Monastic Community in Anchorage, AK, and the hundreds of pilgrims who came for this joyous feast. We especially thank our spiritual father and beloved hierarch, Archbishop Nathaniel, of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, for his prayers, and for offering the invitation to Bishop Irinej to preside at the 2024 Annual Pilgrimage and Patronal Feast Day. 

Pilgrimage 2024 Schedule 

Pilgrimage 2023 

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at Holy Transfiguration Monastery’s Annual Pilgrimage


On Saturday, August 5, 2023, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon traveled to the Monastery of the Holy Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA, for the monastery’s annual pilgrimage and to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the consecration of the monastery church which took place on September 28, 1968.

Before the Festal Vigil, Mother Christophora, the abbess of the Monastery, greeted Metropolitan Tikhon on behalf of the monastic community, welcoming him to the monastery at the original entrance to the timber-frame church. Vigil was celebrated by Archpriest Alexander Rentel, OCA Chancellor, along with numerous local and visiting clergy.  After the Matins Gospel, His Beatitude anointed the clergy, sisterhood, and pilgrims, greeting them in the joy of the feast.

On Sunday, August 6, the Feast of the Transfiguration, Metropolitan Tikhon presided at the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the outdoor pavilion as is the custom for the pilgrimage. Concelebrating with His Beatitude were His Eminence Archbishop Melchisedek, Archbishop of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, Father Alexander Rentel, and local and visiting priests and deacons.

In his homily, His Beatitude spoke of the feast and of the light of Christ, encouraging all to be filled with that light and to share it so it might be seen by others and celebrated.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, fruit was blessed followed by Metropolitan Tikhon addressing the clergy, monastics, and faithful, welcoming them and offering thanks to Mother Christophora and the monastic sisterhood for their hospitality.

Before the veneration of the cross, Archbishop Melchisedek read a prayer in front of the relics of Saint Herman for the safe travel of Metropolitan Tikhon and Deacon Vitaly Permiakov who were departing for the annual Saint Herman Pilgrimage in Alaska. The sisterhood provided lunch for all pilgrims following liturgy.

Before leaving for Alaska, Metropolitan Tikhon blessed the headstone cross recently placed at the grave of His Beatitude Metropolitan Theodosius, former primate of the Orthodox Church in America.

Photos here.

Pilgrimage 2023 Schedule

Pilgrimage 2022 Schedule

Pilgrimage 2021

August 5-6, 2021

Archbishop Melchisedek was the main celebrant for our Patronal Feast Day. Fathers Nikolai Breckenridge, Andrew Nelko, John Kotalik, and John Parker, with Protodeacons John Oleynik and  Alexander Cadman, served the beautiful Vigil Service on the evening of the fifth. In addition to Archbishop Melchisedek, we were blessed to have Archbishop Nathaniel and Bishop Andrei concelebrating. The day ended with the service of Holy Unction and anointing of the faithful. Click on the photo below to see the photo album.

Pilgrimage 2021 Schedule


Presiding Hierarch

His Eminence, Archbishop Melchisedek

Archbishop of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania

Thursday, August 5 - Eve of Transfiguration


6:00 pm  **Vigil Service in the Monastery Church

**Reservations will be required due to the small size of our church and the need to continue precautions regarding the coronavirus.

Please email omtsec@gmail.com.

Friday, August 6 - Feast of Holy Transfiguration

 All services will be held outdoors. Reservations are not required.

 9:30  Akathist, “Glory to God for All Things”

 10:00  Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Fruit

 12:00  Picnic Lunch

 2:00  Holy Unction Service (Anointing of the sick) with the singing of the Paraklesis Hymns to the Mother of God

Pilgrimage 2020

August 5-6, 2020

This year the Transfiguration Pilgrimage was by invitation only because the corona-virus was still infecting people in our area. Serving were His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel, His Grace Bishop Andrei, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, Fr. Joseph Wargo, Fr. Gregory Long, Fr. George Treff, Fr. Michael Sochka, Dn. Stephen Boyd, Subdeacon Barry Migyanko, and server Niko Solak. Bp. Andrei delivered the homily after the Gospel reading and Abp. Nathaniel spoke at the end of the Liturgy. The Lord provided a beautiful day outside along with His radiating Light for the small number of people at the feast and for the many faithful who watched via live-streaming. 

Pilgrimage 2020 Announcement — Jul 24, 2020 7:51:05 PM

Pilgrimage 2019 — Aug 14, 2019 3:20:19 PM

Pilgrimage 2019 Schedule — Jul 11, 2019 7:31:00 PM

Pilgrimage 2018 — Aug 9, 2018 4:55:45 PM

Pilgrimage 2018 Schedule — Jun 16, 2018 3:05:41 AM

Pilgrimage 2017 — Aug 30, 2017 12:29:45 AM

2016 Pilgrimage — Aug 13, 2016 3:42:25 PM

2015 Pilgrimage — May 25, 2016 8:58:30 PM

2014 Pilgrimage — May 25, 2016 8:53:59 PM