Music Page
At our monastery, we sing music from various Orthodox Traditions. This page is a work in progress and will include some liturgical hymns that are difficult to find elsewhere, including hymns from the Romanian roots of our monastery and "special melodies" (Podobni / Prosomia) for Feast Days, as well as a few original compositions (either in text or melody). We offer these hymns to hopefully enhance your appreciation for the hymnography of the Church throughout all the different chant traditions. Most of the Liturgical Text is taken from the translations provided by the Orthodox Church in America or the Romanian Episcopate.
This page is always in progress. Please check back for more music.
The music provided on this site is free to download and distribute for Liturgical use only.
Last Updated November 20, 2023
What's New / Updated:
Cherubic Hymn written for our 55th Anniversary.
General Menaion
General Troparion for a Hierarch (Plain and harmonized versions)
September 08 - Nativity of the Theotokos
Sessional Hymns (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Exapostilarion (Hearken, ye women)
Praises (Tone 1) (O Marvelous Wonder)
September 14 - Elevation of the Cross
Lord I Call 1 (Tone 6) (Having set all our hope)
Aposticha 1 (Tone 5) (Rejoice, O Life Bearing Cross)
Troparion (Tone 1) (Fr. Roman's setting)
Before Thy Cross (2-part based on James C. Meena's setting)
September 26 - St. John the Theologian
September 28 - Ellwood City Icon of the Mother of God
Verses for the Ellwood City Icon (Tone 8) (O most glorious wonder)
Exapostilarion (Hearken, ye women)
October 1 - Protection of the Mother of God
Lord I Call Verse 1 (Tone 1) (O Marvelous Wonder)
Lord I Call Verse 4 (Tone 4) (As one valiant among martyrs) (4-part)
Lord I Call Verse 4 (Tone 4) (As one valiant among martyrs) (2-part)
Troparion (Tone 4) (Yaichkov)
2-part byzantine (Today the Virgin)
Exapostilarion (Hymn of Light) (Listen, O Women)
October 18 - Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke
October 26 - Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica
November 8 - Archangel Michael and all Bodiless Hosts
Lord I Call Verse 1 (Tone 4) (As one valiant among the martyrs)
Praises Verse 1 (Tone 1) (Joy of the Heavenly Hosts)
November 9 - St. Nektarios of Aegina
November 21 - Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple
Lord I Call Verse 1 (Tone 1) (O Marvelous Wonder)
Verse 4 (Tone 4) (As one valiant among the martyrs)
Aposticha Verse 1 (Tone 5) (Rejoice, O Life Bearing Cross)
Troparion (Tone 4) (Romanian Byzantine, Fr. Roman)
Troparion (Tone 4) (Yaichkov)
Kontakion (Tone 4) (Yaichkov)
Hymn of Light (Listen, O Women)
Praises Verse 1 (Tone 1) (Joy of the Heavenly Hosts)
December 6 - St. Nicholas
Aposticha Verse 1 (Tone 5) (Rejoice, O Life Bearing Cross)
Praises Verse 1(Tone 1) (Joy of the Heavenly Hosts)
Troparion (Tone 4) (Plain and Harmonized Versions)
December 13 - St. Herman of Alaska
Lord I Call Verses 4-6 (Tone 4) (You have given a sign)
Folk Song (based on the folk song to St. Nicholas - written by the sisiters)
December 21-24 - Nativity Prefeast
Kontakion (Tone 3) (Today the Virgin)
December 24 Compline Canon
Royal Hours: 9th Hour Final Stichera (Tone 6) (Like Antiphon 15 from Holy Week)
December 25 - Nativity of our Lord
Vespers Prokeimenon - (Tone 1)
Troparion (Tone 4) (Carpatho-Russian)
Kontakion (Tone 3) (Today the Virgin)
Hymn of Light (Adapted from JEB)
Communion Hymn (Modern Greek, 3-part)
January 1- Circumcision of our Lord & St. Basil
9th Ode Verses (Tone 2) (Lesser Znamenny)
January 2- Saint Seraphim
Lord I Call Verses 1-3 (Tone 1) (O Most Glorious Wonder)
January 2-5 - Theophany Prefeast
January 4 Compline Canon (Odes 3,4,5,&9) (other odes can be found in SVS holy week Volume II
January 5 ComplineCanon (Updated: Thank you V.Morosan for the edits and nice music engraving)
Royal Hours: 9th Hour Final Stichera (Tone 5) (Pskov Chant)
January 6 - Theophany of our Lord
Hymn of Light (adapted from JEB)
Communion Hymn (Modern Greek, 3-part)
January 30 - Three Hierarchs
Magnification (Znamenny Chant)
9th Ode (Tone 2) (Lesser Znamenny)
February 2 - Entrance of the Lord in the Temple
Exapostilarion (Hymn of Light) (Hearken ye Women)
March 24 - Forefeast Annunciation
Lord I Call Verse 1 (Tone 4) (As one valiant among martyrs) (2-part)
March 25 - Annunciation
Lord I Call Verse 1 (Tone 6) (Having Set All Our Hope)
Litya Verse 1 (Bulgarian)
Troparion (Greek)
Kontakion (Carpatho-Russian)
June 29 - Ss. Peter and Paul
Hypakoe (Tone 8) (re-transcribed)
July 19 - St. Seraphim
Lord I Call: Verses 1-3 (from Jan 2) (Tone 1) (O Most Glorious Wonder)
August 1-14 - Paraklesis to the Theotokos
Slavic Paraklesis (Tone 8) (Translation by HTM press) (Set in English at the monastery from an unknown CD of nuns in Poland)
August 5 - Prefeast of the Transfiguration
Troparion and Kontakion (Tone 4)
August 6 - Transfiguration
Litya - Glory Verse (Tone 5) (Pskov Chant)
Litya - Now & Ever Verse
Troparion (Tone 7)
Kontakion (Tone 7)
Sessional Hymn - 1 (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Sessional Hymn - 2 (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Magnification (Traditional)
Sessional Hymn - after Magnification (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Sessional Hymn - after Ode 3 (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Hymn of Light - arr. Fr. Roman (Braga)
Praises - 1 (Tone 4) (Called from Above)
Praises - 2 (Tone 4) (Called from Above)
Praises - 3 (Tone 4) (Called from Above)
Communion Hymn - Arkhangelsky, arr. R. George & JEB
August 15 - Dormition of the Theotokos
Lord I Call Glory verse in all 8 tones (Byzantine)
Lenten Hours Troparia (Romanian)
Gladsome Light (in Bulgarian Tone 1)
Gladsome Light (Carpatho-Russian) (Adapted from Arr. by Fr. Lawrence Margitich)
Lord of Powers (from Great Compline - Fr. Roman's arrangement)
Lord of the Powers (from Great Compline - Greek byzantine arrangement)
Presanctified Liturgy
Let My Prayer Arise Trio (Kiev Caves Lavra Melody, adapted for the Sisters)
Our Father (Monastery Composition) - To be sung with Arkhangelsky Lenten Litanies (#3 from The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, SVS Press).
O Taste and See (trans. from old music, adapted from Bortniansky's Now the Powers)
Let our Mouths Be Filled with Thy Praise (Traditional Lenten Melody)
Let our Mouths Be filled with Thy Praise (Monastery Composition) - To be sung with Arkhangelsky Litanies
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord (adapted from Arkhangelsky Litanies -#3 from The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, SVS Press)
3rd Sunday of Lent - Cross
Lord I Call - Cross Verse 4 (Rejoice, O Life Bearing Cross)
Troparion (Tone 1) (Fr. Roman's setting)
Before Thy Cross (2-part based on James C. Meena's setting)
Palm Sunday
Festal Sticheron (Tone 6 Holy Trinity/St. Sergius)
Palm Sunday Katavasia (Traditional Romanian Melody - Adapted from Fr. Roman's arrangement)
Holy Week
Alleluia and Troparion (Behold the Bridegroom) (Tone 8 Harmonized Byzaintine)
Exapostilarion of Bridegroom Matins (I see Your Bridal Chamber) (Fr. Roman's setting)
Exapostilarion for Matins of Holy Friday (The Wise Thief) (Fr. Roman's Setting)
Lamenations (translated and compiled with Psalm 118 by Stan & Nancy (Print 2-sided and fold book together)
Lamentations (single 5.5 by 8.5 pages)
Paschal Troparia
Troparion (Slavonic, Gorodok) (SSAT) (St. Nicholas Monastery in Gorodok, Ukraine)
Troparion (Slavonic, Gorodok) (SATB) (St. Nicholas Monastery in Gorodok, Ukraine)
Troparion (Romanian) (SSA or SAT) (Slow Romanian Pascha Troparion)
Troparion (German) (SSA or SAT - adapted/shortened) (Transcribed from Gregorian Neumes - Thanks Nick!)
Pascha Canon All 9th Ode Refrains (for use with Bakhmetev Canon from SVSPress)
Exapostilarion (Arranged by Fr. Roman Braga, transcribed 2013 - Thanks Joe!; revised 2019)
Bright Wednesday Great Prokeimenon (Sung Tuesday Evening) (Romanian Tone 7)
Bright Friday - Life Giving Spring
Lord I Call Verse 1 (Tone 6) (Having Set all our Hope)
Bright Friday Great Prokeimenon (Sung Thursday Evening) (Romanian Tone 7)
Troparion (Tone 4) (Yaichkov)
Sessional Hymn - 1 (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Sessional Hymn - 2 (Tone 4) (Joseph was Amazed)
Sessional Hymn after Ode 3 (Tone 8) (That which was secretly ordained))
Exapostilarion - 1 (Zhelenyakov)
Exapostilarion - 2 (Hearken Ye Women)
All Saints of North America
Lord I Call Verse 5 (Tone 6) (Having Set all our Hope)
Lord I Call Verse 6 (Tone 6) (Having Set all our Hope) Transcribed from CD: All Saints of North America (Selections From Vespers and Matins): Celebrating the Bicentennial of Orthodox Christianity in North America
Lord I Call Glory Verse (Tone 5) (Pskov Chant)
Troparion (Tone 8) (Carpatho Russian Chant)
Troparion (Tone 8) (Byzantine Chant) (scanned copy from ROEA)
Kontakion (Tone 3) (Today the Virgin)
Praises (Tone 8) (What shall we call you)
Divine Liturgy
Eis Polla (Trio)
Eis Polla (Trio) (for women's choir) (Z.Mandell) (Written for the 50th Anniversary of the Monastery.
Holy God
Holy God (for small women's choir) (Monastery Composition)
At the Gospel and Litanies after the Gospel
At the Gospel, Litany of Fervent Supplication and Litanies of the Catechumens and Faithful
Litany for the Departed (Romanian Melody)
Litany for the Departed (Romanian Melody #2)
Cherubic Hymns
Cherubic Hymn - Bulgarian Tone 2 (Noble Joseph) Arranged by Fr. Gregory Becker
Cherubic Hymn - Streletskaia Chant (2-part) Arranged by Raymond Mandell and Zachariah Mandell
Cherubic Hymn - Streletskaia Chant (3-part women) Arranged by Raymond Mandell and Zachariah Mandell
Cherubic Hymn (Monastery Composition, written for our 55th Anniversary)
Father Son and Holy Spirit
Father Son and Holy Spirit (Byzantine Tone 5) For use with A Mercy of Peace - The Anaphora (Byzantine Tone 5 arr. by J. Erickson)
Communion Hymns
Sunday Communion Hymn (Praise the Lord) (Modern Greek, 3-part)
Monday Communion Hymn (He Makes His Angels) ("Greek" Chant)
Tuesday Communion Hymn (The Righteous) (Simplified for Women's Voices)
Wednesday (Theotokos) Communion Hymn (Monastery Composition)
Bless the Lord - Psalm 103(4) (Traditional OCA setting) Set to chant the entire Psalm with Bless the Lord, O my soul! as a refrain between psalm verses.
Gladsome Light - Valaam Chant (2-part)
Great Doxology - Tone 8 (2-part) (Romanian) - Adapted from Fr. Roman's melody setting - thanks Zoe!
Guardian Angel (for Travel) (Learned at St. Nicholas Monastery in Gorodok, Ukraine)
Wait on the Lord - Psalm 26(27) (Monastery Composition)
General Funeral Hymns
Prokeimenon (Tone 3) (Adapted from Fr. Apostolos Hill)
Funeral Hymns of Blessing (ROEA translation and setting)
Funeral Hymns of Blessing (OCA translation, Soroka setting)
Eternal Memory (Greek translation and setting)
Funeral Refrains for Psalm 118 (Byzantine)
Priest Funeral
Order of Burial for a priest (Compiled and edited from OCA files and "Soroka" music settings for the funeral of Fr. Thomas Hopko)
Music Links
If you find any mistakes, please send us an email so we can fix them.
*A note for choir directors*
If you would like any of the Finale .mus (.musx) files or music .xml (.musicxml) files (for import in other notation software) to make adaptations for your choir, please send an email to
A Prayer Before Singing (Longer Version)