
Service Schedule

Our service schedule is posted on our Google Calendar (shown below).

(service times are on Eastern Time - the google calendar may show them in your local time depending on your google settings)

All church services are streamed Live

Click here to watch.

*IMPORTANT* (Updated October 2024) Please note

Depending on the settings of our calendar compared to your browser / google account, times may show incorrectly around the change to (and from) Daylight Savings Time in March and October/November. This seems to happen every year, and we haven't figured out why.

For reference:

Saturday Vigils are at 6:00pm (during Daylight Savings) 5:30pm (during Standard Time),
Sunday Divine Liturgies are at 9:30am.

Daily Schedule (for days without Divine Liturgy)
6:45am Matins, 1st & 3rd Hours, Typica
12:30 Hours and Intercessory Prayers
5:00 Evening Service

It seems to be correct for people who add the calendar to their phone or calendar account directly but may or may not show up correctly when viewing this webpage.

If you use google calendar or another online calendar that supports ical, you can add our calendar to your own.

Go to your calendar. At the drop-down menu by "Other Calendars" select "Add calendar by URL" and paste in the following: